LaTeX customization

For details of the LaTeX/PDF builder command line invocation, refer to LaTeXBuilder.

Basic customization

The latex target does not benefit from prepared themes.

Basic customization is obtained via usage of the Options for LaTeX output. For example:

# inside
latex_engine = 'xelatex'
latex_elements = {
    'fontpkg': r'''
\setmainfont{DejaVu Serif}
\setsansfont{DejaVu Sans}
\setmonofont{DejaVu Sans Mono}
    'preamble': r'''
\cftsetpnumwidth {1.25cm}\cftsetrmarg{1.5cm}
    'fncychap': r'\usepackage[Bjornstrup]{fncychap}',
    'printindex': r'\footnotesize\raggedright\printindex',
latex_show_urls = 'footnote'

If the size of the 'preamble' contents becomes inconvenient, one may move all needed macros into some file mystyle.tex.txt of the project source repertory, and get LaTeX to import it at run time:

'preamble': r'\input{mystyle.tex.txt}',
# or, if the \ProvidesPackage LaTeX macro is used in a file mystyle.sty
'preamble': r'\usepackage{mystyle}',

It is then needed to set appropriately latex_additional_files, for example:

latex_additional_files = ["mystyle.sty"]

The LaTeX style file options

Additional customization is possible via LaTeX options of the Sphinx style file.

The sphinxsetup interface

The 'sphinxsetup' key of latex_elements provides a convenient interface:

latex_elements = {
    'sphinxsetup': 'key1=value1, key2=value2, ...',
  • some values may be LaTeX macros, then the backslashes must be Python-escaped, or the whole must be a Python raw string,
  • LaTeX boolean keys require lowercase true or false values,
  • spaces around the commas and equal signs are ignored, spaces inside LaTeX macros may be significant.

If non-empty, it will be passed as argument to the \sphinxsetup macro inside the document preamble, like this:

\sphinxsetup{key1=value1, key2=value2,...}

Nuevo en la versión 1.5.


It is possible to insert further uses of the \sphinxsetup LaTeX macro directly into the body of the document, via the help of the raw directive. Here is how this present chapter in PDF is styled:

.. raw:: latex


at the start of the chapter and:

.. raw:: latex


at its end.

The colors used in the above are provided by the svgnames option of the «xcolor» package:

latex_elements = {
    'passoptionstopackages': r'\PassOptionsToPackage{svgnames}{xcolor}',

The available styling options

hmargin, vmargin

The dimensions of the horizontal (resp. vertical) margins, passed as hmargin (resp. vmargin) option to the geometry package. The default is 1in, which is equivalent to {1in,1in}. Example:

'sphinxsetup': 'hmargin={2in,1.5in}, vmargin={1.5in,2in}, marginpar=1in',

Japanese documents currently accept only the one-dimension format for these parameters. The geometry package is then passed suitable options to get the text width set to an exact multiple of the zenkaku width, and the text height set to an integer multiple of the baselineskip, with the closest fit for the margins.


For Japanese 'manual' docclass with pointsize 11pt or 12pt, use the nomag extra document class option (cf. 'extraclassoptions' key of latex_elements) or so-called TeX «true» units:

'sphinxsetup': 'hmargin=1.5truein, vmargin=1.5truein, marginpar=5zw',

Nuevo en la versión 1.5.3.


The \marginparwidth LaTeX dimension, defaults to 0.5in. For Japanese documents, the value is modified to be the closest integer multiple of the zenkaku width.

Nuevo en la versión 1.5.3.

default true. Boolean to specify if code-blocks and literal includes are framed. Setting it to false does not deactivate use of package «framed», because it is still in use for the optional background colour.
default true. Tells whether long lines in code-block’s contents should wrap.

default t for «top». Decides the caption position. Alternative is b («bottom»).

Nuevo en la versión 1.7.


default true. If true, code-blocks display «continued on next page», «continued from previous page» hints in case of pagebreaks.

Nuevo en la versión 1.6.3.

Distinto en la versión 1.7: the default changed from false to true.

verbatimcontinuedalign, verbatimcontinuesalign

default r. Horizontal position relative to the framed contents: either l (left aligned), r (right aligned) or c (centered).

Nuevo en la versión 1.7.


default true. Tells whether long lines in parsed-literal’s contents should wrap.

Nuevo en la versión 1.5.2: set this option value to false to recover former behaviour.


default true. Allows linebreaks inside inline literals: but extra potential break-points (additionally to those allowed by LaTeX at spaces or for hyphenation) are currently inserted only after the characters . , ; ? ! /. Due to TeX internals, white space in the line will be stretched (or shrunk) in order to accomodate the linebreak.

Nuevo en la versión 1.5: set this option value to false to recover former behaviour.

default \textcolor{red}{\textvisiblespace}. When a long code line is split, the last space character from the source code line right before the linebreak location is typeset using this.

A LaTeX macro inserted at start of continuation code lines. Its (complicated…) default typesets a small red hook pointing to the right:


Distinto en la versión 1.5: The breaking of long code lines was added at 1.4.2. The default definition of the continuation symbol was changed at 1.5 to accomodate various font sizes (e.g. code-blocks can be in footnotes).

default {rgb}{0.126,0.263,0.361}. The colour for titles (as configured via use of package «titlesec».)


Colours set via 'sphinxsetup' must obey the syntax of the argument of the color/xcolor packages \definecolor command.

default {rgb}{0.208,0.374,0.486}. A colour passed to hyperref as value of linkcolor and citecolor.
default {rgb}{0.216,0.439,0.388}. A colour passed to hyperref as value of filecolor, menucolor, and urlcolor.
default {rgb}{1,1,1}. The background colour for code-blocks. The default is white.
default {rgb}{0,0,0}. The frame color, defaults to black.

default {rgb}{0.878,1,1}. The color for highlighted lines.

Nuevo en la versión 1.6.6.


Starting with this colour key, and for all others coming next, the actual names declared to «color» or «xcolor» are prefixed with «sphinx».

default \fboxsep. The separation between code lines and the frame.
default \fboxrule. The width of the frame around code-blocks.
default 5pt. The separation between contents and frame for contents and topic boxes.
default 4pt. The width of the lateral «shadow» to the right.
default \fboxrule. The width of the frame around topic boxes.
noteBorderColor, hintBorderColor, importantBorderColor, tipBorderColor
default {rgb}{0,0,0} (black). The colour for the two horizontal rules used by Sphinx in LaTeX for styling a note type admonition.
noteborder, hintborder, importantborder, tipborder
default 0.5pt. The width of the two horizontal rules.
warningBorderColor, cautionBorderColor, attentionBorderColor, dangerBorderColor, errorBorderColor
default {rgb}{0,0,0} (black). The colour for the admonition frame.
warningBgColor, cautionBgColor, attentionBgColor, dangerBgColor, errorBgColor
default {rgb}{1,1,1} (white). The background colours for the respective admonitions.
warningborder, cautionborder, attentionborder, dangerborder, errorborder
default 1pt. The width of the frame.
default \mbox{ }. LaTeX macros inserted at the start of the footnote text at bottom of page, after the footnote number.

default \leavevmode\unskip. LaTeX macros inserted before the footnote mark. The default removes possible space before it (else, TeX could insert a linebreak there).

Nuevo en la versión 1.5.

default \sffamily\bfseries. Sets the font used by headings.

LaTeX macros and environments

Here are some macros from the package file sphinx.sty and class files sphinxhowto.cls, sphinxmanual.cls, which have public names thus allowing redefinitions. Check the respective files for the defaults.


  • text styling commands \sphinx<foo> with <foo> being one of strong, bfcode, email, tablecontinued, titleref, menuselection, accelerator, crossref, termref, optional.

    Nuevo en la versión 1.4.5: Use of \sphinx prefixed macro names to limit possibilities of conflict with LaTeX packages.

  • more text styling: \sphinxstyle<bar> with <bar> one of indexentry, indexextra, indexpageref, topictitle, sidebartitle, othertitle, sidebarsubtitle, theadfamily, emphasis, literalemphasis, strong, literalstrong, abbreviation, literalintitle, codecontinued, codecontinues

    Nuevo en la versión 1.5: these macros were formerly hard-coded as non customizable \texttt, \emph, etc…

    Nuevo en la versión 1.6: \sphinxstyletheadfamily which defaults to \sffamily and allows multiple paragraphs in header cells of tables.

    Nuevo en la versión 1.6.3: \sphinxstylecodecontinued and \sphinxstylecodecontinues.

  • the table of contents is typeset via \sphinxtableofcontents which is a wrapper (whose definition can be found in sphinxhowto.cls or in sphinxmanual.cls) of standard \tableofcontents.

    Distinto en la versión 1.5: formerly, the meaning of \tableofcontents was modified by Sphinx.

  • a custom \sphinxmaketitle is defined in the class files sphinxmanual.cls and sphinxhowto.cls and is used as default setting of 'maketitle' latex_elements key.

    Distinto en la versión 1.8.3: formerly, \maketitle from LaTeX document class was modified by Sphinx.

  • for 'manual' docclass a macro \sphinxbackoftitlepage, if it is defined, gets executed at end of \sphinxmaketitle, before the final \clearpage. Use either the 'maketitle' key or the 'preamble' key of latex_elements to add a custom definition of \sphinxbackoftitlepage.

    Nuevo en la versión 1.8.3.

  • the citation reference is typeset via \sphinxcite which is a wrapper of standard \cite.


  • a figure may have an optional legend with arbitrary body elements: they are rendered in a sphinxlegend environment. The default definition issues \small, and ends with \par.

    Nuevo en la versión 1.5.6: formerly, the \small was hardcoded in LaTeX writer and the ending \par was lacking.

  • for each admonition type <foo>, the used environment is named sphinx<foo>. They may be \renewenvironment “d individually, and must then be defined with one argument (it is the heading of the notice, for example Warning: for warning directive, if English is the document language). Their default definitions use either the sphinxheavybox (for the first listed directives) or the sphinxlightbox environments, configured to use the parameters (colours, border thickness) specific to each type, which can be set via 'sphinxsetup' string.

    Distinto en la versión 1.5: use of public environment names, separate customizability of the parameters, such as noteBorderColor, noteborder, warningBgColor, warningBorderColor, warningborder, …

  • the contents directive (with :local: option) and the topic directive are implemented by environment sphinxShadowBox.

    Nuevo en la versión 1.4.2: former code refactored into an environment allowing page breaks.

    Distinto en la versión 1.5: options shadowsep, shadowsize, shadowrule.

  • the literal blocks (via :: or code-block), are implemented using sphinxVerbatim environment which is a wrapper of Verbatim environment from package fancyvrb.sty. It adds the handling of the top caption and the wrapping of long lines, and a frame which allows pagebreaks. Inside tables the used environment is sphinxVerbatimintable (it does not draw a frame, but allows a caption).

    Distinto en la versión 1.5: Verbatim keeps exact same meaning as in fancyvrb.sty (also under the name OriginalVerbatim); sphinxVerbatimintable is used inside tables.

    Nuevo en la versión 1.5: options verbatimwithframe, verbatimwrapslines, verbatimsep, verbatimborder.

    Nuevo en la versión 1.6.6: support for :emphasize-lines: option

    Nuevo en la versión 1.6.6: easier customizability of the formatting via exposed to user LaTeX macros such as \sphinxVerbatimHighlightLine.

  • the bibliography uses sphinxthebibliography and the Python Module index as well as the general index both use sphinxtheindex; these environments are wrappers of the thebibliography and respectively theindex environments as provided by the document class (or packages).

    Distinto en la versión 1.5: formerly, the original environments were modified by Sphinx.


  • the section, subsection, … headings are set using titlesec’s \titleformat command.

  • for the 'manual' docclass, the chapter headings can be customized using fncychap’s commands \ChNameVar, \ChNumVar, \ChTitleVar. File sphinx.sty has custom re-definitions in case of fncychap option Bjarne.

    Distinto en la versión 1.5: formerly, use of fncychap with other styles than Bjarne was dysfunctional.


As an experimental feature, Sphinx can use user-defined template file for LaTeX source if you have a file named _templates/latex.tex_t in your project.

Nuevo en la versión 1.5: currently all template variables are unstable and undocumented.

Additional files longtable.tex_t, tabulary.tex_t and tabular.tex_t can be added to _templates/ to configure some aspects of table rendering (such as the caption position).

Nuevo en la versión 1.6: currently all template variables are unstable and undocumented.